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Easy Way to Obtain Black Armory Shaders

Destiny 2 How to get the Blacksmith Title from Black Armory

Destiny 2: How to get the Blacksmith Title from Black Armory

Earning the Blacksmith title in Destiny 2 is another completionist task that requires players to complete virtually every Black Armory activity and collect all its gear.

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Destiny 2 How to get the Blacksmith Title from Black Armory

With the release of the Forsaken expansion and Destiny 2's second year, titles were added to the game. These pursuits are a completionists' task, challenging players to master activities and collect gear. The Blacksmith title is unlocked by completing the Black Armory Seal in Triumphs. And like the other seals, it requires players to have accomplished a lot in Destiny 2's Black Armory add-on.

It's necessary for some tasks to complete them on one character, and while there are others that count account-wide across characters, it's best to focus on one character to complete the triumphs.

Collect All Forge Weapons

The Black Armory seal tasks players with collecting all the forge weapons, earned by completing the weapon frames from Ada-1. There are seven weapons total:

  • Hammerhead
  • Ringing Nail
  • Stryker's Sure-Hand
  • Tatara Gaze
  • Kindled Orchid
  • Spiteful Fang
  • Blast Furnace.

Forge 100 Weapons and Get the Black Armory Ship

There are two requirements that will be completed at the same time—the Master Smith triumph requires players to forge 100 weapons and is required for the Seal. Doing so will also drop the Platinum Starling Black Armory ship, which is a required item for completing the Black Armory badge.

Get All Forge Emblems and Shaders

Ada-1 has bounties that call for a specific forge to be ignited, and doing so with the bounty in hand will cause a unique emblem to drop at each of the four forges. Players also need to unlock each forge-specific shader along with the two general Black Armor shaders.

Collect Full Black Armory Armor

This is one of those triumphs that definitely requires it to be done on one character—earning a complete set of Black Armory armor. Armor is earned by completing the weekly Black Armory milestone and turning in Rare Black Armory bounties. Ada-1 also has an item called a Forge Polymer that will cause a piece of armor to drop when forging a weapon, but it is random. The weekly milestone, however, will give players a new piece until they have a full set.

Find the Black Armory Exotics

There are three Black Armory exotics that players need to find or earn: Le Monarque, Jottun, and Izanagi's Burden. Le Monarque and Jottun are both RNG-based drops when completing a Powerful Weapon Frame at one of the forges. Izanagi's Burden is earned by completing the Mysterious Box quest.

Destiny 2 How to get the Blacksmith Title from Black Armory

Complete Forge Triumphs

After hunting down all those items, there are a number of triumphs associated with the forges that players need to complete:

  • Guardian of the Black Armory: Complete six Rare Black Armory bounties.
  • Black Armory Bounty Hunter: Complete 30 Black Armory bounties.
  • A Study in Obsidian: Find an Obsidian Accelerator, which can drop from the Bergusia Forge.
  • EDZ Black Armory Smith: Forge all three Black Armory weapon types in the EDZ forges.
  • Nessus Black Armory Smith: Forge all four Black Armory weapon types in the Nessus forges.
  • Master Blaster: Get 500 kills with Jöttun at the Volundr Forge.
  • Clean Up On Aisle Five: Get 500 kills with Threat Level at the Bergusia Forge.
  • Beautiful But Deadly: Get 500 kills with Le Monarque at the Gofannon Forge.
  • Reunited Siblings: Get 500 kills with Izanagi's Burden at the Izanagi Forge.

Complete Raid Triumphs

There are also a number of triumphs for the Scourge of the Past raid that players will need to complete:

  • Like A Diamond: Complete the flawless version of the Scourge of the Past raid.
  • To Each Their Own/Hold The Line/All for One, One for All: These are the raid challenge triumphs, picked up at Hawthorne in the Tower.
  • Fast and Unwieldy: Escape Ablazed Glory without losing a single fireteam member.
  • Raider of the Lost Treasure: Loot hidden chests in the "Scourge of the Past" raid 5 times.

That's a pretty extensive list of content players will have to cover to earn the Blacksmith title. One activity players don't have to worry about completing is Niobe Labs. But like many of the titles that also exist in the game, it should be an impressive badge of honor for those players who do earn it.

Destiny 2 is available now for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.


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